Monday, October 31, 2011

Our Second Halloween

Halloween 2011
My chubby skeleton had a great Halloween! Right after we came home from school/the babysitter Danny took a great two-hour-long nap. He woke up just in time to go visit Uncle Joe and Aunt Coco before Bay Bridge traffic got bad. We then made the rounds to visit the rest of the family who wasn't busy with trick or treaters of their own. Danny loved his aunt who was wearing kitty cat ears, and got lots of fun Halloween themed lolly pops at Great Grandma and Grandpa Bray's house. We ended the night with a small pizza dinner at his Grandma's house, or as we call her Momo.

Danny's Halloween loot 2011
 Seriously people, Halloween is NOT Christmas!! We appreciate all the special Halloween treats but they are never expected :). Danny made out like a bandit.

Danny did several things today that he is usually not allowed to do, things like stay up past 9 pm and eat candy. I think he would choose to dress up like a skeleton every day if it means he gets all the junk!

Because we didn't know each other last year I'll share a picture of Danny's first Halloween. What a cute little Mickey Mouse he made.

Halloween 2010

We're already thinking about his costume for next year. I want him to dress up as a "Future Big Brother," we'll see how that goes ;)

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