Sunday, October 9, 2011

My home is spotless

 I obviously don't agree with the above statement! I am a clean freak (see previous post about being dead tired but cleaning instead of napping). After I wrote that post on Friday I peeled myself off the couch and cleaned my house from top to bottom, thanks to a burst of energy and a toddler who took a great nap I got it all done. Then I raced the clock to give my son one-on-one time before I had to make dinner; tacos were promised and had to be delivered.

My dear husband and I enjoyed a nice evening out with friends where we both drank too much. There is nothing that makes you want to give up alcohol for good more than taking care of a rambunctious toddler when you are hungover.

Seriously though, I'm never drinking again.

On a non-Mommy night, last night was the the Washington Capitals opening night-HOCKEY SEASON!! We had a fun get together with my brother-in-law's home. The men ate hot wings and the women talked about plans for the baby's room (sister-in-law is expecting!). It is so much fun, now that Danny is a little older and can do more things, it makes it easier for my husband and I to have fun and get together with the people we love, now that our baby is a toddler and easier to entertain.

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