Thursday, October 20, 2011

Elmo Ducks

I can't get he Elmo Ducks song out of my head. I sing it over and over and over again, in my head. It has been on repeat for over a week.

In an effort to cheer up my child after he woke up on the wrong side of the bed I played the Elmo Ducks video on YouTube.

He. Loved. It.

Now he is obsessed with it. Today as I was trying to fix my wine cork wreath (you have to see that), he takes my hand and leads me to my desk, he then points at my laptop and makes his silly sounds that he thinks are words. I told him "no Elmo Ducks right now, Mommy is busy." The little monster toddler threw himself on the floor as soon as he heard that I was not going to let him watch Elmo Ducks. Complete tantrum.

I caved, we sat and watched Elmo Ducks, all is right in the world.

Watch it. It will change your life.

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