Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today will be our 3rd weekend in a row going to a pumpkin patch/Fall Festival. I just can't help it, I love this time of year. It is nice to get a break from the boring Summer weather and routines, and a nice way to get ready for the Christmas season! I have never been so excited for Christmas in my life, and Fall is the opening act in my opinion. I haven't had an exciting Christmas in a long time. Although last year was my sons 1st Christmas, we weren't living in our own place so it was hard to get int he spirit. The year before was nice because it was the first Christmas that my husband and I spent together after his long deployment, but it was hard getting in the spirit in Yuma, AZ when the weather was 60 degrees. The three years before that my husband/boyfriend was away on military duty. Needless to say I am STOKED (gosh, I hate that word) for this time of year now.

My little family and our brother/sister-in-law's little family are going to get pumpkins for our kids today. I love using this time of year as an excuse to spend time with family. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I love seeing my husband and his brothers hang out together, I can only imagine how they will behave at a pumpkin patch together.

We have high hopes of making Danny a Mickey Mouse pumpkin, one like we saw in one of his books. If it doesn't turn out too pathetically I will post a picture.

Happy Fall to you and yours!!

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