Saturday, October 22, 2011

Maybe it did hurt . . .

This morning was a good lesson for my husband and I on parenting. As we fought with our 18 month old son to get his pajamas on, literally fought, which included him screaming and my husband yelling we realized that his attitude towards getting dressed is all our fault.

You see, all Summer we would let our son walk around the house in just his diaper. He loved it and we thought "it isn't going to hurt anything." When he wasn't walking around our home in a diaper then we were at the pool, walking around in a swimmy diaper. So we really have no one to blame but ourselves for this child not wanting to wear clothes.

It is our fault that we have to deal with this every day. . .

This isn't the best picture, but I do not have smart phone so it is the best I could do. Look at that face! I bet he is thinking we are the meanest people in the world to make him wear clothes. 

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