Sunday, October 9, 2011

Men/boys in the bathroom

Someone is going to have to tell my little boy that the above picture does NOT show proper bathroom etiquette for men/boys.

Yes, I do realize that, as his mother it is probably me who is supposed to tell him that.

My son is notorious for barging in on my husband and I when we're in the bathroom (not together). As soon as he realizes that hubby or I have gone into the bathroom he saunters over and nonchalantly opens the door, then comes in as if he is joining a big party.

It is definitely not a party in there.

This might be cute, or at least acceptable at home, but last night my little boy crossed into a whole new realm of inappropriate-ness. While at my brother and sister-in-law's home, everyone was sitting in the livingroom watching the hockey game and laughing as Danny acted super lovey towards the cat. Suddenly, Danny realizes that his Uncle Bri Bri is missing, so he goes to look for him. Danny knows his Uncle Bri Bri very well because his first stop was the bathroom, where he proceeded to barge in on his uncle.

Luckily, Uncle Bri Bri is not shy in the bathroom, and he loves Danny to pieces so it was just a big laugh, but I should probably start talking to him about bathroom privacy and etiquette.

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