Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Boys will be. . .

Just for fun

Adoptive Breastfeeding.

Check out this great article about one woman's experience in breastfeeding!

I am definitely not recommending that you don't give your child cows milk (we drink two gallons a week in our family). This article is really interesting if only because most people have no idea that you can produce breast milk even if you aren't pregnant.

Who knew?!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Friend Fail

30 Day Challenge-Day 19

Day 19 - A picture of a phrase you live by

It is.

 I always say "It is what it is" and I love the second part of this sign. Anyone want to make me a duplicate of this sign???

There are so many screwed up things in the world/life/families/friendships, most of the time you can't do anything about the screwed up things, so you might as well just accept it and say "It is what it is," then deal with "it" the best you can. 

I try not to dwell in all the crap, just take it as it comes and deal.


Lifehouse "It is what it is"

BRU Cyber Sale

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Son-The Musician?

I really think my son is going to be a musician, or maybe a dancer. He is constantly dancing around the house, he breaks into dance at the oddest times, but he loves it. All I have to do is sing "la la la la" and he starts shaking his little butt or spinning around.

Just now he comes running to me from his bedroom with his toy guitar. He was absolutely distraught that it wasn't making music. After a skilled inspection by yours truly it was determined that the guitar needed new batteries, which it got. Now I have a son who is "playing" his guitar, spinning around the living room and completely elated.

Maybe I should have named him Eric.

30 Day Challenge-Day 15