Monday, September 26, 2011


Completely, totally, exhausted.

That is me. The last week has kicked my butt! After being out of town last weekend, then a full and busy  week of school before another wedding over the weekend. My son was a ringbearer in the wedding so both my husband and I were very busy getting him ready for duty. Luckily, he was a perfect little ringbearer who behaved gloriously, inspite of all my anxiety about the event.

My little ringbearer.
I'm not going to lie, he was the star of the show. He took off running down the isle, then stopped to pick up rose petals. He and Lilly, the lovely flowergirl got caught up in the middle of the isle and had to be shuffled down by the maid of honor. Danny also got the party started at the reception when he stood in front of the band and danced for an hour. He must have gotten his rhythm from the milk man because neither my husband nor I have any.

He is getting so big.

Sunday was just as busy as Saturday, but I did get to sneak away during naptime to catch up with a good friend who I haven't seen since we both started back at school. I am one lucky lady, my husband never complains when I want to get away for an hour or two, he is great.

Day one of my 5th week back on school is over, I'm a nervous wreck because I have so much writing to do (this doesn't count). I have a lot of papers coming up and I have no idea what to write about. Here is to hoping I find some inspiration before I need to put the pen to paper.

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