Monday, September 5, 2011

Friend Fail

We've all had at least one or two "Mommy Fails," slamming our kids fingers in the car door, giving he/she a french fry that is way too hot, you know Mommy Fails. Well friends, today I had a friend fail. FYI, I feel like an asshole just by writing it, but I must share.

My little family went downtown today. We had a lovely family day where we ate lunch by the water, fed the ducks and window shopped in all the cute little Downtown Annapolis shops that we love to visit. Towards the end of our trip my sweet little toddler was getting cranky, it was almost time to leave, but we promised him ice cream. We head towards the ice cream shop, the streets are really crowded and as I'm nearing the ice cream shop (furiously pushing the crabby sweet toddler in his stroller) when I have to dodge this really tall guy who is leaving starbucks. Don't you just hate it when people get in your way when you're pushing the stroller? Anyway, after I dodge the tall dude I hear my husband (who is a little ways behind me) say "man, she walked right by you." I obviously immediately realize that I did something wrong and should turn around. As I turn around I see my husband standing next to our very good friend, Joe.

Friend Fail.

I am such an asshole. I'm sorry for the foul language, but really, I am. I felt so bad. I was so focused on getting some ice cream into my kid that I blew right past a good friend. I mean, it is a parents dream to run into their friends randomly on the street, after-all, we never see our friends anymore because we don't frequent the bars anymore (beer money has now turned into diaper money). So this golden opportunity to run into a friend was totally ruined by my need to rush around (to get the kid some ice cream). Luckily Joe is such a great guy and just laughed at me. He probably should have shot me for being such a ditz (he is packing heat now that he is a police officer).

Moral of the story: never get in the way of a mom trying to feed her kid ice cream?

Gosh, I'm an idiot.


  1. Love your blog! I would love to see a post about how to entertain a baby/toddler on rainy days, er, weeks. I'm running out of ideas over here, especially when the thunder wakes the baby. Speaking of...

  2. Thanks, Karen! I'll have to put some thought into that topic and write about it for you :).


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