Sunday, September 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 18

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Twenty-Three-Weeks pregnant with my little boy.

 This picture is only the beginning of the end of my beautiful skin. Sorry to be so vain, but I do/did have beautiful, soft, tan skin. I was blessed by God and my Grandma, Beverly with great skin. Pregnancy did not agree with my skin. I am covered in stretch marks, and I am so insecure about them that I refuse to wear a bikini style swim suit unless I'm with very, very close family members. 

The above picture, taken when I was only twenty-three-weeks pregnant, and still feeling pretty great I must add, shows the beginning of my stretched out tummy. Although they have faded, my tummy is still covered in stretch marks, as are my hips and thighs. Because I am so vain, I wont post a picture of when I was 37 weeks pregnant!

Oh well, my son is awesome and he was worth every single mark.

Maybe some day I'll be confident enough to walk around the beach while letting it all hang out.


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