Wednesday, August 24, 2011

East Coast Earthquake

I'm sure everyone on earth has heard about the extremely out-of-the-ordinary earthquake that rocked the East Coast yesterday. The source of the quake was in Mineral, VA, which is about 120 miles from where I live in Maryland.


The earthquake part wasn't exactly crazy, living in Yuma, Arizona in the past I experienced several earthquakes, some at higher magnitudes than the one that happened yesterday. The fact that an earthquake happened in Maryland is what was crazy. I never in a million years thought that the East Coast could have quakes strong enough to shake a rattle.

I was at my Grandma and Grandpa's house, just a few miles away from my home. Grandma and I were sitting around the table on the deck, my son was standing on the steps going off the deck and my dad and Grandpa were in the swimming pool. Suddenly, the whole place started shaking, the deck was really moving, it felt like the house was going to fall down. My body acted much quicker than my mind, because I didn't even seem to comprehend what was going on before I ran to pick up my son and yelled for everyone to move away from the house (the old, brick house). Once we were away from the house I kept saying "it's an earthquake" and my dad kept telling me it wasn't. His equilibrium must have been off from jumping out of the pool because he says he didn't even notice the shaking, but believed me when I said it was an earthquake only after he saw my Grandpa's truck bouncing. Longest 30 seconds of my life! Like I said, I've been in earthquakes before, but it was very unsettling to experience one in Maryland. Once we all got our minds together enough to talk we kept saying that something must be wrong, because you don't have earthquakes on the East Coast. We all went inside to watch Fox News to see what was going on.

What excitement! Luckily, no one we know was hurt, just afraid, and I hope that is true for everyone else. Unfortunately a lot of people didn't know what to do during a quake, because they never thought they needed to know. It is important to know how to react during any kind of natural disaster, have a plan, and react quickly. If you're interested in learning the safe things to do during an earthquake, follow THIS link.

Good luck!

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