Wednesday, August 17, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 1

A picture of yourself with 15 facts.

1. My name is Ella.
2. I have a young son who is my sunshine.
3. I am a full-time student at the University of Maryland.
4. I have been to Okinawa, Japan-twice.
5. I love to read.
6. I typically read around 500 pages of text per week for school and then I read for fun before I go to bed.
7. I have lived in Mesa, Arizona and Yuma, Arizona.
8. I am terrified of spiders.
9. My favorite color is red.
10. It is August 17th and I'm already getting really excited for Christmas.
11. My husband is hilarious-he makes me laugh every single day.
12. I want a big family-at least five kids.
13. I will celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary before I turn 40.
14. I haven't taken down the decorations from my husband birthday which was over a week and a half ago.
15. I am really tan.

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