Thursday, August 18, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 2

Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Summerlea, Cana, Me, Shannon, Nicole.
 Ok. I have been closest with my sister, Cana, the longest, but how could I leave these other girls out? Summerlea and Shannon are my cousins (also sisters) who have always been there. Always. We weren't super close when we were little kids because we didn't live too close to each other, but their mom passed away around the same time that my parents split up and the four of us grew very close because of that. Nicole, is my sister in law. She doesn't have any biological sisters (I'm sure the rest of the girls in the picture wished that was the case at some point growing up :)). Nicole is just like a sister to me, I am so lucky that my brother married her and made her my sister!

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