Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I did promise a while ago that I would post pictures of my family reunion, didn't I?

The second week in July brought my whole extended family together-minus several people who couldn't make it because of work. We gather at the same place every year, Oak Island, North Carolina. My fondest childhood memories can be found there. For me, the term vacation was used very loosely because my husband had to stay home and work so it was toddler Danny and myself all on our own. We still had fun. We still made memories. WE definitely appreciated Daddy that week!

The whole gang, minus a few who couldn't make it. Notice that my grandparents have 27 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. For the first time in a very long time no one is pregnant. . . I think.

The Outlaws aka the ones who've married into the family.

Grandma and Grandpa with seven of their ten greats.

Danny, Me and Bob in Southport.

My son ate 6 pieces of watermelon in one sitting.

Very inventive-Ike attached an umbrella and four noodles to an old beach chair-i

Waiting for dinner. . . they don't make living rooms big enough for us.
Three lovely ladies heading out for an early evening stroll.

I hope that my family continues this 21 year long tradition for many years to come. It is wonderful to get one chance each year to gather and connect as a family. We are all so different, yet have so much in common because we come from the two best people I have ever met in my life-my Grandma and Grandpa. What a great idea they had many years ago to start this vacation as a way to keep their family in touch.

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