Friday, August 5, 2011

I didn't suck today

Or yesterday.

After a hellish day like Wednesday my son and I both deserved to have a great day where neither of us broke down and cried. We both needed all the giggles and hugs that were had the last two days. Tickle fights, stroller rides and swims in my Grandma's pool.

I have to acknowledge a very sad (yet inevitable) thing that is happening to our family. Our beautiful, fun, mature, caring and kind little (but not so little anymore) sister is leaving for college next week. She (hubby's sister, my SIL) is going to play all kinds of NCAA sports, major in Psychology and pretty much be a rock star. I have known her since she was 9, loved her since the day I met her and I am so sad she'll be living so far away. But, I know she is going to do wonderful things in her life, and going to college in Vermont is just one of her stepping stones. So to that wonderful aunt/sister/friend, we love yo to pieces and we will miss you like crazy.

(Don't go)

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