Friday, August 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 10

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

There could be no other. . . 

My BFF Rachel and I, hiding in our friends truck.

I wish that picture did justice to the fun we had that night. Two of our guy friends were in a bar getting their drink on when Rachel and I decided it would be funny to break into the one guys truck and hide in the back seat, only to jump out and scare them when they came back to the car. Well, we didn't have to break in, the door was unlocked, but we did scare them to pieces. They were dying, I almost got punched in the face. It was a great time. Rachel truly is my partner in crime, even if I am retired!

P.S. Hurricane Irene hasn't shown up yet, we're still dry!


  1. you guys ok? irene didn't come visit us - gladly! hope you stay dry!

    that scare sounds pretty funny. i might just have to try that out myself, heehee...!!

  2. Simona, we are okay. Irene visited and left some water damage, but we never lost power (just the internet). Glad you are ok in your neck of the woods. Thanks for the comment!


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