Sunday, August 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 5

Day 5 - A picture of your favorite memory

Like I could pick just one. . .

Seeing my soon to be husband after he graduated from bootcamp. Parris Island, SC.

Getting married at 19 and 20. District Court, Annapolis, MD.

It's not possible to love a job as much as I did when I worked with these people. Johnson Pools, 2007.

Any memory with my Grandparents is a favorite. Key West, 2009.

Saying our vows a year and a half after the court wedding in the church that I grew up in. Sacred Heart, Bowie, Maryland 2008.

And last, but certainly not least. . .

The first time I ever held my Danny Boy. Motherhood. Yuma, Arizona 2010.

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