Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pregnancy Update

Now that what will be forever known as the "Most Wretched Bedtime Ever" is over I will post a pregnancy update.

24 Weeks

I am now well into being six-months pregnant. I really went from zero to pregnant in one week. The picture above, taken a couple weeks ago, was the last super cute belly picture I'm going to have, I think. I am starting to feel big, rather than cute with a baby belly. The belly is in my way all the time now. I am feeling tired and short of breath a lot, too. I should have my Gestational Diabetes test in a few weeks, and I can't pray enough to pass it with flying colors. I will be devastated if I have to deliver after another hospital inductions, and if I have GD that is the most likely scenario. Please say a prayer that I can go into labor naturally!!

This pregnancy, minus the first trimester, has been much easier than my pregnancy with Danny. My baby girl is sitting lower than Danny did, so I have much less heartburn. With Danny, I couldn't drink water without being in terrible pain from the heartburn. I am so thankful not to be experiencing that, yet. I am much more active too, so I have gained less weight, but I have stopped getting on the scale other than at the midwife appointments. I was noticing that every time I went up a pound I would be extra careful of what I ate the next day--stupid!! I need to eat to grow this baby. So I haven't weighed myself in a two weeks, hopefully I don't burst into tears at my appointment on Friday!

We are moving in a month, and I can't wait! I need to get it over with so I can move on to nesting/really preparing for baby girl to arrive. I am so excited to have a nursery ready BEFORE the baby is here. Danny didn't have his own room till he was nine-months-old, so this is exciting for me. I can't wait to prep diapers, and give Danny his space back, his closet is full of pink, and he has the crib and changing table in his room. It will be nice to be settled.

I can't wait for the next three months to go by! I have a lot to do, but I can't wait to meet my baby girl!

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