Friday, June 22, 2012

2nd baby

I wouldn't have done this for a million dollars while I was pregnant with Danny, but it goes to show how much your life and priorities change with having kids.

Danny did a number on my skin, my entire belly was covered with bright red stretch marks, like of looks like a tiger attacked me, they are now much faded, and now that I have a big belly they actually look better, less saggy. I was so self conscious about them while I was pregnant with Danny that I would ever show my tummy again, but here we are. I may never see them as a badge of honor, like many mothers do, but I see my "ruined body" as a very small price to pay for the gift of motherhood. My body was never perfect before kids, and it certainly is not the most important thing in my world, so here you go, pictures of my and Danny's photo shoot this morning.

Belly shot-6/22/2012

It all started with me realizing that I am probably a week or two away from having an outie, which I HATE! I wanted to take a picture to see what it looked like from the front (hubby is asleep in our room with the good mirror). I considered putting a piece of duct tape over it when it popped during my last pregnancy, hopefully this time around I can get over it.

*Notice the "hole" as Danny calls it, not a terrible remembrance of my adorable belly piercing from when I was 17.

Danny's perfect tummy.

 Danny, of course, wanted me to take the same picture of him that I took of myself. I'm happy to say he has my skin. As dead sexy as his dad is, I wouldn't know how to take care of a "white" kid, like my husband.

Hello, feet.

I don't get the cute basket ball belly that some women get, it comes from around :). It took forever to get this picture because Danny kept hugging my belly and saying his sisters name.

Block feet?

I wish I knew what my husband's feet looked like as a kid. He was stocky, like Danny, so I'm assuming Danny gets his feet from him. We both have pretty boney feet now. Danny's feet are really hard to fit in shoes because they are so chubby. Adorable, but chubby.

My little love.

Ever since I graduated I really feel like I am living the dream. I LOVE being home with Danny, I love teaching him things, and spending enough time with him every day where it doesn't seem like I am missing anything. The only thing that could make things better would be to win the lottery, but I will be perfectly happy if that never happens :).


  1. I love the pictures!! You are one blessed mama :)

  2. Thanks, Michelle! I seriously feel so lucky to be where I am right now!

  3. You're a beautiful mama, Ella! And don't feel first baby left "tiger stripes" from my belly ALL the way down my legs, front and back! I didn't wear shorts or shorter dresses for years thanks to this, but this year I've actually been able to say "Screw it!" and now I wear what I want :-) At least they are pale and not bright red anymore!


What do you think about this Mommy post?