Friday, June 15, 2012

Forward Facing

I am a little heartbroken to post this, but it is true, so I must. . .

Danny is now forward facing in the car. BOOOOOO!! I kind of hate it, but at the same time, it is fun to be able to see him in the mirror, hand him thinks, and know that he sees what I am pointing out during our drive. I hate that I kind of feel like is at risk for an injury during an accident, although I know all kids and adults are at risk for an injury.

The problem was with our new car. The seats are different than my old sedan that we got rid of in April. With his carseat rear facing, in the new car, his legs were so jammed that he couldn't even do "criss cross apple sauce." He would get his legs stuck in awkward positions and scream the during the whole car ride. Sounds like fun.

I always said that I would keep him RF till he was 30 lbs, then when he reached 30 lbs I decided I would do it till he was 40 lbs, like the carseat allows. Just like everything in parenthood, my plans never work out :).

My next carseat dilemma: Should I keep both kids (when baby girl gets here), in the same row, making one of them have to sit by the door, or put them both in middle seats, but in different rows??


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