Saturday, June 2, 2012

New shoes

There is this thing about two-year-old kids, they have an opinion on everything, even if they can't really talk all that well. They always find a way to "tell" you what they want.

This week I spent a few days being ticked off because the shoes I bought Danny at the end of April already don't fit him. I don't know how I managed to buy him shoes right in the middle of a growth spurt, but apparently I did. His shoes typically average about 3-4 months, so less than a month-and-a-half really irked me. Anyway, after being annoyed for a few days I finally decided I had to buy him new shoes. So Thursday night the husband and I took Danny to do some shoe shopping. After striking out at a few places (I did not want to go spend a ton at Stride Rite since he just outgrew $40 shoes), we ended up at Kohls. After trying on several pairs on sandals we let him try on a pair of Crocs, although I had no intention of buying him Crocs.

Let me just say that kids hear and remember everything!

I don't know if I have ever talked about Crocs before around Danny, but someone has. As soon as we put the Crocs on his feet, and called them Crocs he was on cloud nine. He kept saying "Croc" and looking at his feet, he didn't want to take them off at all. The Crocs didn't fit, so we left the store with a very unhappy, and very teary-eyed little boy. He was just about devastated.

Fast forward to Friday morning, the kid still needs shoes, so we are the first people at the mall. I (reluctantly) go to Stride Rite, determined to get something for less than $30, and something that will hopefully last at least a few months. When we get there, Danny sees the Crocs and is pretty much going nuts over them. At the same time I find the cutest pair of sandals, they even have turtles on them, but the best part was they cost $19.99...great deal!! Unfortunately Danny didn't want anything to do with the great turtle shoes.

Who cares?? Right?? I am the boss, not Danny. Right??

Danny's new shoes.

WRONG. I am a big fat sucker. Maybe I just love making Danny happy, maybe I just didn't want to hear him cry for two weeks over the new shoes he hates, again. I think it is just that I LOVE seeing him so happy. He held his feet up in the stroller the rest of our mall trip, so he could look at his "blue Crocs." He insisted that he wanted the "blue" shoes, yet he pointed to the green ones.

After taxes the shoes were less than $30, but not by much, and definitely not as sweet of a deal as the turtle shoes. Once we added the three charms to the shoes we were closer to $40. I am a sucker.

How can I not be a sucker when my son is this cute????

Danny, 5/21/2012.

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