Tuesday, June 26, 2012


My friend, Melissa, is a very talented crochet-er (that probably isn't a word). Per my request, she custom made three adorable hats for baby girl to wear this fall/winter. This made me super excited because not only did Danny not wear a hat as a newborn more than once or twice (it was springtime in Yuma), but also, girl stuff is just so cute!!

All I had to do was show Melissa a picture of what I had in mind, and she made them, without a pattern. She is SO SO SO talented. Even my husband, who looks at a building and says "I could have build that," said that it takes real talent to do what she did.

Aren't they adorable???

Smitty's Itty Bitties

So to shamelessly plug my friends business, you can find more information about her adorable hats on her facebook page at Smitty's Itty Bitties.

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