Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The wonder of Christmas

My husband and I have been talking a lot lately about how we are going to keep what we believe to be the true meaning of Christmas in the Holiday Season. We want our kids to know that there is a lot more to Christmas than presents and treats. In conversations I have been involved in with my mom friends I have found some great ideas on how to keep Christ in Christmas.

In a way to keep "Santa" under control, in our family Santa will bring one gift, and fill the stockings. Santa will also be called St. Nicholas (we are Catholic so it just makes sense).

Our kids will get three gifts from mom and dad, the three gifts symbolize the gifts given to baby Jesus by the wise men-I love this one, but cannot take credit-thanks Melissa!

Give, Give, GIVE! We want to try to give more than we get every year. This year we bought gifts for a young boy who doesn't have much, and who has never had a Christmas like most kids have. I wish we could have done more, but what we did do really warms my heart. I would prefer to get nothing each year if it means giving joy to a less fortunate child.

Activities, part of Christmas, to my husband and I is all the fun things that you can only do this time of year. From picking out the perfect Christmas tree to driving around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights, these things are just as much fun as opening gifts.

Family time, we try to have as much extended family time as possible this time of year. We are trying to take advantage of living near our families right now, we know it might not always be like this so we're making memories while we can.

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