Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lost in this moment.

I know I post about my husband a lot, but he is the half that makes me whole, and more importantly, the reason why I am able to be the mother that I am.

Next month we will celebrate our five year wedding anniversary. FIVE years--I wont even be 25, in case you are keeping track. Now, technically it is not our wedding anniversary, it is our marriage anniversary. When my husband got orders to go to Japan for two years the shotgun blew when we decided we couldn't wait until our planned church wedding. We drove to the court house and made it legal. A year later we were married in the Catholic Church, and although it was very important to us to have our marriage recognized by our Church, we believe that our court house wedding was just as significant.

But HOLY COW! Five years!! I know it isn't that long in the grand scheme of things, but considering how young we were, the fact that we didn't have the support of a lot of family, and the fact that he was immediately shipped off to Japan for two years, I'd say making it five years deserves a pat on the back.

We may drive each other crazy, but we are best friends. I can't imagine spending my life without him, I'm upset that he is working late tonight and I have to spend a night without him! I am so lucky to have found him at such a young age--God only knows where I would be had I not met him at 16. It is funny to think of us celebrating our 20 year anniversary before I turn 40, and even funnier to think that by the time we are the age some of our older siblings are getting getting married at we'll have a decade under our belt.

I know people thought we were crazy back then, but it was the best decision of my life. I wouldn't trade a single second of our life together for anything more "normal."


What do you think about this Mommy post?