Friday, December 30, 2011

What will I do?

What will I do when I graduate? This question has been on my mind a lot lately. Other than the obvious exciting mom things that I will have time for (story time at the library, art projects, going to the park more often), I am really not sure how I will keep Danny and myself busy all day long. I did it before I started school, but my boy was four months old then--it was a lot easier. I hope that I don't drive Danny crazy, with being around all the time and him never having time to get away with stuff that doesn't fly when mom is around.

Money making wise, it would be nice to get some kinds of work-at-home gig, something that involves writing or editing (ha), but that isn't the priority. I'm more concerned with mothering my child, but at the same time I can't imagine what it is going to be like with all that time on our hands. I can't wait, but I'm also nervous.

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