Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Nothing warms my heart more than this:

Danny and his Great-Grandpa, 11/29/2011

Danny and his best friend, my Grandpa. My Grandpa is pushing 84-years-old and is a rock. He is the strongest man I have ever met, the most chivalrous, most kind, most bad-ass person I've ever met. On the surface he is a very sweet, old man, who goes to church every Sunday and calls for a court-martial if you don't put the beer cans in the recycle bin. On the inside he is a bad-ass retired Captain of the Navy, one who self proclaims to have "done everything bad I could get away with without being kicked out" while at the Naval Academy. He is the man who would bring out the butcher knife to terrify a child with a splinter, you want to see a kid get over their tears from having a splinter in their foot, just threaten to cut it off.

He is the man who also kinda adores my son, Danny. Every time I walk into the door of the house that he and my Grandma have shared for over thirty years he says "where is my punky," and goes straight for Danny. The feeling is mutual, when my Grandpa is around my son doesn't care about anyone. It has gotten to the point where my Grandma doesn't even bother trying to hug Danny until he sees Grandpa first. There is just no point. Grandpa gives Danny snacks, takes him for tours of the house, and sings to him "Oh Danny Boy" for as long as he will listen. Grandpa looks at me as if I am a traitor in the Japanese Army whenever I walk in the house without Danny, and when I leave the house he always tells me "you take care of that little guy, he is such a great guy." If there is ever a moment where I take for granted the beautiful gift God has given me in my little boy all I have to do is remember my Grandpa's words.

It is hard to think that there will one day be a time when this incredible man is not around. I know how lucky my son is to have these moments with his Great-Grandparents. He is so very lucky to be able to make these memories with Grandpa.

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