Monday, December 5, 2011

The joys of motherhood

As a mother, there are days when your child(ren) will drive you completely off the wall bonkers. We have had plenty of days like that in our home. Then there are days when your child(ren) act like the sweetest little thing(s) on earth.

Last night we experienced the latter.

It was around 10:00 pm, my husband and I were snugly on the couch watching TV when our little boy woke up crying. I went in to check on him, he was fine, just missing his Mommy and Daddy. After a few cuddles on the couch my husband asked him if he wanted to lay in our bed and read a George story*, he got a huge grin on his face and said yes. After I brushed my teeth and went into our bed room I found my two boys, under the covers reading a George story. Danny has never looked so happy. I crawled under the covers with them and listened to my hubby read to our son.

What a perfect way to end the day.

*Curious George book

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