Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Yesterday we got a light dusting in Maryland. I was thrilled! After having a not-so-great day it was just what I needed. I LOVE THE SNOW!! I don't know how I will survive if our family ever does move to the Carolinas.

It wasn't Danny's first snow, but it was the first snow we played in. Last year he was just too little. He LOVED it. This boy truly is my child, he walked around outside in amazement, he just kept saying "no, no," in the same tone that I was using when I was saying "snow, snow!!"

Danny's first snow. Jan 2012

I think he would have stayed out all day and night. He figured out that if he climbed up a hill, sat on his butt, and then slid down the hill on his butt that it would be the most fun thing on earth. I knew I should have put on his snow pants!

All dirty from butt sledding.

We bought a sledding saucer yesterday, I really hope we get to use it before spring!

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