Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My man and I are fighting, my little man, that is. Not really, but it sure feels like we are fighting. We are having major sleep issues in our house. Not only is my little monster boy not sleeping, but the lack of sleep is making him a big crazy, crabby, grouchy, pain in the butt. I think all three of us who live in the small condo we call home want to go on separate vacations.

After getting some good advice from a friend I decided to try a new method at bedtime. It lasted all of 20 minutes before I gave in. I couldn't take the complete hysteria that was going on in his room. Every time I tried to put him back in his bed he was a bawling, kicking and screaming mess. I finally decided to hold him until he calmed down, the poor guy was trembling and crying "mama." He eventually fell asleep in his bed, while I cuddled with him.

Danny: 1
Mommy: 0

Somethings gotta give.

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