Monday, June 27, 2011

Terrible Mother??


Do you ever feel like the most terrible mother that has ever walked the earth? Maybe that is a little extreme, I do actually know that I am not a terrible mother, but some days (or weeks if you're me) I just feel like I can't do anything right.
If I can recap some of the joyous things that happened in the past week. My son fell getting out of the pool-big scratch on his forehead; my son got stuck in his crib-bruise on his leg; my son scratched his face in his sleep because I forgot to trim his nails; my son got a big bump on his head because he was so slippery when drying off after a pool trip that I dropped him.
I don't know how this kid is going to survive growing up with me as a mother.
Or maybe I don't know how I am going to survive mothering such a rambunctious little boy.

Hi, my name is Ella. Sometimes I suck at being a mother. But I do love my son with all my heart and I always do the best I can. Some days are difficult, I'm not perfect nor do I try to be. I just wish we'd stop having accidents!

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