Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Check this out . . .

The Bra*Kette.

From these people:

I've been wearing the Bra*Kette for a couple of months now (while running of course) and I think it is incredible. Not only does the bra have a pocket (Brakette. . . get it???) but it is the most comfortable sports bra I have ever used. Here is a little TMI: Before pregnancy I was a perky B cup, after pregnancy and nursing for ten months I am a not-so-perky D cup. This body change made it hard for me to work out, I didn't feel like myself when I would run. The Brakette really holds the girls in place, there is no bouncing or anything. The bra is made out of really good moisture resistant material which keeps your skin fresh.

Love, Love, LOVE IT.

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