Saturday, November 5, 2011

Your life changes. . .

When you have a baby, your life changes. It is instant and irreversible. You will never go back to being the person you were before, and you will never want to. Becoming a parent means no longer being able to jump in the car with your husband at 10:30 at night to go get ice cream. Becoming a parent means you will gladly stay home on the weekends to watch The Tigger Movie and cuddle on the couch. Being a parent makes spontaneity suddenly mean not knowing when you will get poop on your hands next. Being a parent means loving a this little person so much that you don't care when you get poop on your hands. When you're a parent being the center of attention means your child just puked all over the place-in public. When you're a parent you realize that your child's attention is more important than your own. Once you have become a parent you will find it difficult to help your friends mourn the loss of their loved ones. Once you have become a parent you will feel every once of hurt and sadness that those you love feel, because becoming a parent opens up your heart to all around you.

Being a parent means you can no longer afford to be selfish-for you are too tired!

Being a parent means you can hold the whole world in your arms-and then it will puke on you.

Being a parent means you no longer fight with your spouse-because you don't want your children to think you are weak.

For me, being a Mommy has been good/bad, happy/sad, pretty/ugly, amazing/frustrating and everything in between. I thank God every day for giving me a wonderful husband and blessing us with a beautiful, happy and healthy son who never goes more than five minutes without a smile.

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