Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Church Nursery

Today was Danny's first day going to the nursery at church. My husband and I have battled with him for a year when going to church, today we finally bit the bullet and took him to the nursery. When we walked into the door he stopped dead in his tracks. We had walked by the nursery room many times before, but he never got to go in. He was finally getting the chance to play with all those toys. He was in heaven, which was quite fitting being that we were in church.

He had a great time. Such a happy boy who loves to make new friends and play with new toys.

When I picked him up after the service he got a little upset (he usually does once he sees me and is reminded that I left him). As the wonderful nursery volunteer came to greet me she had one thing to say and that was "does he climb a lot at home?" I said "why yes, he does" only to find out that my kid climbed everything in sight. He climbed the chairs, tables, shelves, everything. My child is just like a billy goat apparently.

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