Monday, July 30, 2012

What a difference!!

What a difference NOT having undiagnosed Gestational Diabetes makes:

32 week comparison

The left picture is me 32 weeks pregnant with Danny (this was about two weeks before my doctor told me "oops, it looks like you DO have Gestational Diabetes), the picture on the right is me 32 weeks pregnant with baby girl. I am wearing the same shirt in both pictures (if you couldn't tell).

What a difference being healthy makes in my physical appearance!!

About a week ago I started to think "weren't my boobs sitting on my belly by this time in my last pregnancy?" I LOL at that questions, but I was really thinking it. And I noticed that my husband kept making comments about how much smaller my belly is now. At first I thought maybe we were both just remembering the very end of the pregnancy. I finally dug out this old picture from my cell phone at 32 weeks. I noticed that I looked pretty puffy, then I had my sister take a picture of me in the same shirt to compare. I certainly see a difference. I feel like I look much much more tired in the current picture, but the rest of me is smaller. I feel so much better during this pregnancy (other than the back issues I am having), it feels good to know I beat the diabetes this time. My midwives keep reminding me how rare it is to do that.

Here is to hoping I continue to feel good (and can keep wearing my wedding rings!).

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