Thursday, July 26, 2012

Preparing for baby girl

Diaper prepping

The most tedious part of preparing for the arrival of my baby girl is getting the cloth diapers ready. To get the diapers ready they need to be washed several times to ensure they will be absorbent enough for use. It isn't hard work, it is just a big pain in the you-know-what. The first load of laundry was fun, I got to look at all the cute diapers again, but now that I am on the third load it is less fun.

Still, I love knowing that I am almost ready for this girl to make her appearance. The crib and pack and play are both set up. Clothes are washed, the swing, exersaucer and bouncy chair are all clean and ready to go. I still have some odds and ends (I need to make my homemade moby wrap, among other things).

The only problem is that all of the baby-1st year toys we have are total boy toys. There are teething toys and rattle type things that can go either way, but I can't imagine she is going to want to play with a musical and light tool bench, or a basketball hoop. If she does, she is SOL, I am giving them away to Danny's cousin, and going to give the three-month-old baby that I will have at Christmas time girly toys to replace them. Typically would think to just give a tiny baby like that diapers for Christmas, but that doesn't really work when you cloth diaper!

All and all I am feeling pretty good about my accomplishments this week.


  1. Girlfriend, get to Target!! Today was the first day of the 70% off toy sale, including baby toys! I am sure you'll find something girly!! If not we have about a billion I could send your way, ha!

    1. Thanks for the tip, Amy!! I am going to go there tomorrow and check it out :)


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