Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Being productive

I don't think I've ever been as productive as I was yesterday. My first day on Spring Break with my husband at work and I went nuts. I scoured the house cleaning, organizing, and just tiding up. We recently did Spring cleaning, so the house wasn't filthy, but it definitely needed a touch up. I also did about seven loads of laundry, which is a big deal for me. Ever since I started going to college every day (in August) my husband has been stuck with all those little extra duties when he gets off work. He was amazed when he came home from work to find our house spotless, and smelling like Spring as the windows were open, and to have all the laundry clean and folded. Did I mention that I had dinner on the table before he could complain about being hungry???

Yes, I think being a Stay-At-Home-Mom is going to agree nicely with me.

Have I mentioned that in two months and one day I graduate from college, which means I really will be a SAHM??

I can almost taste the freedom!

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