Saturday, July 30, 2011

Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Ball Pit

     Because I've been hobbling around all week (see previous post) I thought that I would review my sons favorite toy of the week.
     The Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Playland Ball Pit is a great toy for any child who loves Mickey Mouse. The ball pit which is completely inflatable which makes it super safe and worry free. It has two open sides, a covered top, one side as three circle windows and the opposite side has four holes where the child can put the balls in and out of. My little guy has so much fun climbing in and out of this toy, putting toys in and out and just hanging out. Several times I have caught him reading a book in the ball pit. 
     The only drawback to this toy is that it only comes with 20 balls, you definitely need to buy extra for it to really feel like a ball pit.

If you're interested in purchasing the Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Playland Ball Pit 

 For the extra balls follow this link @ Extra Balls

Happy shopping/playing!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am about to write something that I never envisioned myself writing or even happening when I thought about what motherhood would be like. My son broke my toe. Yes, that is right. I said it. My sweet and angelic little boy threw a very large can of tomato sauce out of the grocery cart right onto my big toe (I almost only ever wear flip flops). There I stood, right by the fresh fish at my local Safeway store, wanting to scream, cry, pass out, and possibly give my child a public spanking (I didn't) and I literally could not move because it hurt so bad. I obviously didn't think it was broken because I hobbled around the store to finish my shopping, feeling like I couldn't breath the whole time.

When I finally finished my shopping and got in the car I realized that I couldn't drive very well, but of course all of my relatives who live in a five mile radius couldn't be bothered to answer their phones. So I drove my son and myself home. I've never had a bigger case of road rage in my life. Like people should have known from looking at my car that I wanted them to "get the hell out of the way. . .my baby broke me and I want to go home and cry!!!!!!"

They didn't.

Luckily, my little brother did eventually answer his phone and come over to help out.

My son, well, he must know he did something not so nice to Mommy (even though I know it was an accident-that he hit me, not that he threw it), he was so lovey all day, just wanted to come and hug me. It is really hard to be mad at a little boy who is being so sweet.

Anyone know a good remedy for an injured toe??

Saturday, July 23, 2011

To Bring or Not To Bring. . .


So I have a toddler son, as I'm sure you know. I had to attend a bridal shower today and decided that I should leave my son at home for several reasons. One being that he is a boy, boys don't go to showers like that. Two being that I wanted a Mommy break (Daddy was happy to spend time with Danny alone). Three being that I thought it would be slightly inappropriate to bring a young child to an adult party.

Anyway, like I suspected would happened did, I got a load of crap for not bringing my son to the party. No one was mean about it, just kept pestering me about not bringing him. It would have been nice to go to a party and not be pestered about why I didn't bring him, where he is and what he is doing. I know that everyone LOVES my son, but way to make me feel like you only want me around if I bring my little ball of entertainment. . .sheesh!

So, my Mommy tip of the day: If a mom shows up somewhere without her child, just take a chill pill and leave her alone. Sometimes us Supermoms (ha) need a break, we want to go to a part without a diaper bag, we want to have a little fun without worrying about the baby catching on fire because of the 350 candles lit all over the place. Just ask how the child is doing and then leave her the hell alone.

Unless you suspect she might be pulling a Casey Anthony-then ask a lot of questions.

(Too soon)?

P.S I found my ipod in the couch cushion this morning.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Have you seen my ipod?


I am finally dealing with my ipod after my computer crashed and I had to start over. Well I was trying to deal with my ipod. I left the room for two minutes to come back and find the ipod missing and a very guilty look on my sons face.

If only he could talk, maybe he would tell me what he did with it. Or I would have to bribe him with a cookie. Bribery doesn't work very well when the subject doesn't understand what I am saying.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I just have to say it . . .


I am so thrilled for my BIL Brian and his beautiful wife Haley. They announced on Monday that they are expecting their first child together, making Alexis a big sister and Danny a big cousin. I haven't been able to stop smiling since I heard their news. Brian and Haley are two of my favorite people, they are great brother/sister/friend to Stephen and I so we are so happy to share in their joy. I can't wait for the new addition to the family to arrive. He/She is due right around Danny's birthday, when I asked him if he wanted to share a birthday with his new cousin he bust into tears and threw a fit (coincidentally. . . it was bed time). I know he is going to love having a little guy or girl to play with, he already loves hanging out with Alexis who is nine years older than him.

Brian and Haley are already wonderful parents and great aunt and uncle to Danny. I can't wait to see them with their new child. Such a happy time in our family.

If you guys need help with a name, Ella is a great name :)

OMG. No you didn't!!

OMG. Yes I did. I cut my sons hair. Well, actually, a lovely woman at Pigtails and Crewcuts cut his hair, but I made the decision to do it and I took him.

I'm sure for the next two weeks I'll be hearing all about how much I suck for cutting his hair (like I did when I had his hair cut for his birthday three months ago). His curls did grow back in-spite of everyone saying they wouldn't, and they were adorable, but he is a little boy and I want him to have a clean haircut. When he is old enough to have an opinion about his hair I'll let him do whatever he wants to it (someone remember that when I hate his mohawk or green stripes), but right now he is a little boy, my little boy and I get to make these menial decisions for him.

I think he looks adorable with his hair cut anyway. So in the words of the funny Mexican guy from the movie Heartbreak Kid "Screw off" if you don't like my sons hair cut!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Wagon

While I was at the beach for a week with my son I was so grateful to have his wagon with us. Not only did it make dragging all of the junk that I insisted on having on the beach much easier, but it also functions as a mini cooler for mommy juice!

Ok, I shouldn't be selfish. The wagon also happens to be my sons favorite toy. It stays in his room at home because we don't have a garage and he LOVES it. He spends a good portion of the day climbing on the wagon and putting his toys in and out of the wagon.

The Little Tikes Tide and Relax Wagon was given as a gift last Christmas and it rocks! It can function as a regular bench wagon, or you can simply lift a couple of flaps to use the seat feature equipped with seat-belts. When not using the seats and seat-belts you are able to use the area as the cooler. The wagon also has the ability to lift one of the side walls over making the wagon look like a portable bench (and also making it easier for my little guy to climb on). It also has six cup-holders. Two of which are inside for the passengers use, and four are outside for the pullers to use.

Assembly was pretty easy, other than my husband breaking one of the parts *cough cough* and then having to wait a couple of days for Little Tikes to send us a new one (for free).

All in all, we love this product! If this one doesn't last to use for all of out kids then we'll replace it with the same wagon.

If you want to learn more about the Little Tikes Ride and Relax Wagon follow the link below.

Happy Shopping!

Monday, July 18, 2011

"In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms"

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I am a stay-at-home mom (other than that whole college thing). Now I may or may not have mentioned this before, but I have gotten my fair share of grief for that choice that my husband and I made. These naysayers (as Dr. Laura puts it) have said things like "why are you bothering getting a degree" or "just get over it, everyone leaves there kids" and "no one wants someone else to raise their kids, but you can't live on a single income." A lot of these naysayers pretty much say the same thing in the end and that is "get over it." Well I wont. I can't. I know that there are so many ways in which different families can function, this is simply our way. Mom stays home and raises the kids and dad goes to work (for money).

Keeping all this in mind while I was rummaging through the Barnes and Noble 50% off bin a couple of weeks ago I found this book (for $2.98 after the discounts) In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.  I had heard of Dr. Laura before, but didn't really know anything about her. I bought this book only because of the title and the price.

I read the dedication and was in tears. Dr. Laura recalls an email she once received that captures the exact sentiment I feel about wanting to stay home and raise my children.

Here are my favorite parts of that email:

I had to spend as much time with my children as I could. My husband worked extra hours, I made do with what we had, and we made things work for us. My husband would work at night or at home, but if there was a baseball game-he was there. I but everyone's hair, including my own, did my own nails, and never bought anything that was on ale. We were happy.

There were many days where I was pulling out my hair, found myself screaming at them, and was totally exhausted by the end of the day, thinking to myself, "Any other work would be a pleasant relief." But there were also many moments I would never trade for any job, no matter what the pay. Those moments when your child gives you a smile or a look you never forget, moments when they would give you a kiss, a hug or just hold your hand for no reason. Those are the moments a mother treasures in her heart forever and they can never be replaced, not even by a grandmother.

The woman goes on to tell Dr. Laura that her middle son passed away at the age of 22 and how grateful she is for all of the simple moments she shared with him while she was staying home, raising her son.

We never know what life has in store for us and our children, because of this I want to do everything in my power to cherish my kids, love them to pieces and always be there for them.

It is my hope then when my own naysayers are bringing me down I will be able to find a passage in this book that helps lift me back up.

I promise to share those passages with you.


I plan on writing about my vacation and posting some pictures, but first I want to talk about the whole idea of vacation. . . with a one-year-old.

Does it really count as a vacation?

I spent half of my week at the beach slathering the spf on my little guy (he has really good olive skin but I was still worried about burns) and carting a ton of junk to and from the beach. Not only was I flying solo because my dear hubby couldn't take time off from work, but I have the most rambunctious one-year-old on the planet. He was not afraid of the water at all. As soon as I set him down on the beach he took off towards the ocean. And I chased him. I probably could have lost five pounds while I was away had ice cream not been served for desert every night :).

So here are my tips on how to make vacationing with young children a bit easier:

1. Plan ahead-make sure you bring everything you think you could possibly need. Don't be afraid to over pack. Kids to better when they are in familiar surroundings so don't be afraid to bring a ton of their stuff.
2. Relax-don't spend too much time worrying about the baby eating sand or making sure you get the perfect tan. It is a vacation, you are supposed to have fun, but at the same time life is different now, you will be playing more than sun bathing.
3. Let people help-I am lucky enough to have a wonderful Aunt Jodie who was dying to spend a day with my son, so while she played grandma (she has four children, but not any grandchildren *ahem*), I drank some mommy juice, worked on my tan and conversed with my dear cousins.
4. Safety 1st-don't forget that you are in an unfamiliar place for your child, always be on the lookout (much more than you are at home where everything is baby proof and you know what is safe/not safe). This might not be the time to read your new book, wait until the little ones go down for the night.
5. Have fun-Remember, you're on vacation. Have fun, relax and enjoy yourself!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"The Beach"

A long time ago, 21 years to be exact my wonderful, paternal grandparents decided that they would start a annual family reunion with their children and the families that those children had created. This tradition has been going on, every year since 1990 at a little beach town in North Carolina called Oak Island.

Oak Island is possibly one of my favorite places on earth. It is so beautiful, quiet and serene. It is the perfect beach to take young children because there is no boardwalk, just sand, sun and waves.

I feel truly blessed to come from such a big family. Everyone doesn't always make the beach trip, but this year most are at least making an appearance. My Grandma and Grandpa have five children. Child #1 has 11 children, child #2 has 5 children and 4 grandchildren, #3 has four children, #4 (my dad) has 5 children and 3 grandchildren and lastly #5 has 2 daughters (who are more like my sisters than cousins) and 3 grandchildren. If you're keeping count you also have to factor in 5 spouses who were added to the mix.

Since this trip was established it has been fondly known as "The Beach." We've never felt the need to explain to curious friends where we're going, they always know what we're talking about when we say we're going to "The Beach."

This years trip is bittersweet because my Grandpa's Alzheimer's disease seems to be progressing and it is especially noticeable when he is around so many people he only sees once or twice a year. Today, for the first time since my son was born my Grandpa didn't know who he was. I live about 7 minutes from his house, so he sees Danny all the time. I had to leave the room for a few minutes to compose myself because his condition is no longer something that I can ignore. My Grandpa is an incredible man, he served as an officer in the Navy for over 30 years, raised a beautiful family, is a wonderful husband, father and Grandfather. It breaks my heart to see him struggle to remember the names to so many faced he knows so well.

I hope to spend quality time with all of my aunts, uncles and cousins this week and especially some time with Grandpa, because I know his time is precious.

If you are interested in learning about Alzheimer's Disease check out this great site @

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rest In Peace

There were a ton of things I wanted to blog about today, after all we just came off a long holiday weekend. But, the only thing people care about right now is the Casey Anthony Trial.

Whether you believe that she is guilty and the jury was wrong in their decision the sad fact remains that a little girl was murdered then tossed out like yesterdays garbage. I pray that she is resting in peace and that whoever did kill her is never able to hurt anyone again.

Rest In Peace sweet child.