Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I just have to say it . . .


I am so thrilled for my BIL Brian and his beautiful wife Haley. They announced on Monday that they are expecting their first child together, making Alexis a big sister and Danny a big cousin. I haven't been able to stop smiling since I heard their news. Brian and Haley are two of my favorite people, they are great brother/sister/friend to Stephen and I so we are so happy to share in their joy. I can't wait for the new addition to the family to arrive. He/She is due right around Danny's birthday, when I asked him if he wanted to share a birthday with his new cousin he bust into tears and threw a fit (coincidentally. . . it was bed time). I know he is going to love having a little guy or girl to play with, he already loves hanging out with Alexis who is nine years older than him.

Brian and Haley are already wonderful parents and great aunt and uncle to Danny. I can't wait to see them with their new child. Such a happy time in our family.

If you guys need help with a name, Ella is a great name :)

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