Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Terrible Twos

So we are well into the terrible twos. I have mentioned before that my son, at the drop of a hat will throw himself on the floor, kick and scream, if he isn't getting what he wants. It is almost funny, because it is so ridiculous. I wonder what goes on in his mind when he is doing it. He really just flips his lid if I tell him "no" or "wait" or "just a second." He is just a little monster during those moments. It is really tiring, but I know it is just a phase.

But then he has these moments when he turns into the sweetest, most loving child on earth. It completely makes up for his craziness. Just yesterday I was getting him dressed before we had to leave for school, when I stood him up he leaned in and hugged me. He patted my back as he hugged me, and he did this for a full two minutes. With his head on my shoulder and his arms around me, I felt like the luckiest mom in the world.

Thank God for the sweet moments like that. Without them I think all moms would go crazy.

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