Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hello, nausea.

Hello, nausea, you ugly, ugly thing. While you never visited me while I was pregnant with my son, you sure are making up for lost time with this baby. If I were not a full-time student and the mother of an almost two-year-old I would be laying in bed, sleeping all day, because the only time I am not miserable is when I sleep right now. But no, instead I will force myself to get up every morning, get my son ready, take him to the sitter and drag my pathetic self to German class and several Literature classes.

*Don't worry fellow students, I'm not contagious, you can't catch pregnancy*

While I am laying on the couch, every chance I get, I will think of all the different ways that I will guilt this child in his/her teenage years for making me so sick.

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