Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My child. . .

Have I really not posted in a week? Shame on me! I blame morning sickness and college.

In spite of my nausea and busy course load I still have enough energy to enjoy the stuffing out of my little soon to be two-year-old.

He is a constant terror. Really, I kind of love it. He is always running around the house. For. No. Reason. God bless his future teachers. His father had/has ADD and I'm pretty sure it DID NOT skip a generation. When he is not running around like a mad man he is begging to watch Nemo or tearing apart his whole room. He stops being completely crazy ever so often to do really cute things, like:

Take the empty egg carton out of the trash to put his Easter eggs in. . .

Danny being adorable

The other day I got the vacuum out and what does my little man do? He picks up all his toys and puts them on the couch. What a good little helper!

The other day my husband kissed my belly in front of Danny, and then pretended that the baby kicked his face. Next thing I know Danny is kissing my belly, then grabbing his cheek and saying "ow, ow." Now every time he gets near my belly he acts as if they baby is kicking him. The baby isn't even kicking me yet. His dad thinks he is hilarious, and Danny wants to be just like his dad. I am out-numbered.

I wont know until May if I am going to be super out-numbered or if I'll have a little pink one on my team. Either way, if this "new" baby is as funny as Danny I wont care he he/she teams up against me with the other boys.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Terrible Twos

So we are well into the terrible twos. I have mentioned before that my son, at the drop of a hat will throw himself on the floor, kick and scream, if he isn't getting what he wants. It is almost funny, because it is so ridiculous. I wonder what goes on in his mind when he is doing it. He really just flips his lid if I tell him "no" or "wait" or "just a second." He is just a little monster during those moments. It is really tiring, but I know it is just a phase.

But then he has these moments when he turns into the sweetest, most loving child on earth. It completely makes up for his craziness. Just yesterday I was getting him dressed before we had to leave for school, when I stood him up he leaned in and hugged me. He patted my back as he hugged me, and he did this for a full two minutes. With his head on my shoulder and his arms around me, I felt like the luckiest mom in the world.

Thank God for the sweet moments like that. Without them I think all moms would go crazy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The smartest thing I've done

Putting my husband in charge of dinner. Ok. I do not "have it like that," I don't just command things to my husband, but because he is not a douche bag, and because I have been dealing with terrible morning sickness constant sickness, all I had to do was nicely ask him to take over the dinner planning for the week. I hate to admit it, but he is doing a much better job than I usually do. He actually wrote out a shopping list, and wrote down what he planned to cook for each meal. I am impressed. I didn't even expect him to cook everything, I even told him we could eat frozen entrees every night, as long as our son was fed and I could lay on the couch wishing I were dead. He totally came through.

What a guy!

As for the morning sickness, well, I never experienced it when I was pregnant with my son, needless to say I am making up for lost time. I have never been so ill in my entire life. It is soooo yucky. I might be breaking through though, I have felt a little better the last few days, but still not great. I am hoping/praying/wishing the worst is over. I still have three months of college left and I must get through them!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Toddler

The toddler in my life is full of it. He is so dramatic and over the top that it is almost funny. When he isn't getting exactly what he wants he looks at me with a horrified look on his face says "ahhh" and falls to the ground crying. Sometimes he rolls, sometimes he kicks, but he is always super pathetic.

He never gets what he wants by showing that behavior, I am surprised he is still doing it. It is really funny, when I'm not running late or really tired. I only hope that this is just a phase, I can't imagine dealing with this and a newborn all fall/winter.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I know this is cliche

I this is a cliche, and I know some people will say "what about all the soldiers who have died recently," but I just have to say. . .

Rest in Peace Whitney.

She obviously has her fair share of problems in her adult life, but so have a lot of people. She had a beautiful voice, a beautiful face and regardless of all of her issues I LOVED her. I grew up listening to her music, one of my favorite movies growing up was The Preacher's Wife. Her music still gives me goosebumps.

So here is one of my favorite Whitney songs:

And in case you have never seen The Preacher's Wife, here is the trailer:

It is a great, family friendly movie.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's Day

Am I the only one who doesn't give a crap about Valentine's Day? I mean, seriously, all around me I see ladies getting all excited and I just don't get it.

Maybe it is the fact that I was homeschooled and never did the class Valentine thing. I do remember though, one year, my dad brought home roses for my mom, sister and I and brought my brothers m&m's. My sister and I wished we had been given the candy (we were pretty young). But for the record, my memory of getting a rose from my dad is so sweet.

It could also be that my anniversary is three weeks before Valentine's Day so it seems kind of a big nothing to me. I wouldn't mind getting flowers, but I don't want a gift, and I don't want to go on a date!

Yes, my husband is the luckiest man on earth. . .

Hello, nausea.

Hello, nausea, you ugly, ugly thing. While you never visited me while I was pregnant with my son, you sure are making up for lost time with this baby. If I were not a full-time student and the mother of an almost two-year-old I would be laying in bed, sleeping all day, because the only time I am not miserable is when I sleep right now. But no, instead I will force myself to get up every morning, get my son ready, take him to the sitter and drag my pathetic self to German class and several Literature classes.

*Don't worry fellow students, I'm not contagious, you can't catch pregnancy*

While I am laying on the couch, every chance I get, I will think of all the different ways that I will guilt this child in his/her teenage years for making me so sick.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Welcome, Baby!

Brayden and Haley. 2/7/2012

Welcome to the family to my adorable new nephew, Brayden. Brayden mad his arrival SIX weeks early, giving his mom and dad, and the rest of us a big scare yesterday. Everything turned out perfect, Brayden weighs 6lbs and only spent a few hours in the NICU. We are so beyond thrilled to have this little boy in our lives. He has made us very happy aunt, uncle and cousin. Danny is in for the big awakening now that he isn't the baby of the family. We are so excited to watch this little boy grow up!!

Congrats to Brian, Haley and big sister Alexis!