Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The potty training, or lack of. . .

We are still not actively potty training. When I ask Danny throughout the day if he wants to sit on the potty he very adamantly says "NO!!!" At night, right before bathtime he is all for sitting on the potty, making pee, then getting a lolly pop.

He LOVES the potty at night. Not only does he love the treat he gets, but he loves the happy dance that we do after he successfully pees on the potty. He puts his arms in the air, dances around and yells "yay, yay, pee pee, yay." It is adorable.

In an effort to get him to try the potty in the morning, I promised him that we would go to dunkin donuts tomorrow if he pees on the potty when he wakes up. The look on his face when I put that offer on the table was that of "Ooh, this just got interesting." I know I should be more excited about him peeing on the potty, but I am totally looking forward to a donut if we are successful tomorrow.

I mean, can you think of a better way to celebrate being full-term in a non-Gestational Diabetic pregnancy than a trip to the donut shop??


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