Friday, April 1, 2011

My Adventures in Couponing

I may be certifiably insane. As if I don't have enough on my plate with mothering, wife-ing, student-ing, friend-ing etc I am not taking up couponing. I keep hearing from friends in my mom group how they are saving TONS from couponing so I have to try it. I have printed about a hundred coupons off of website like and and now I am waiting to get a couple Sunday papers before I do a big grocery run.

My friends tell me that it is all about buying things while they are on sale, while using your coupons, and stocking up enough to last you for six weeks (which is the typical sale cycle). I never do things half way, but living in a small condo might force me to only coupon to the extend in which I can store things. I will post after my first attempt this weekend. Wish me luck!

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