After a repeat of last week at the church nursery (Danny going absolutely bananas when we left him), I am realizing that when I go back to school next week (have I mentioned that it is my last semester?) we'll be starting from square one. My poor little guy has to get used to me leaving him behind every day so I can go off to college.
I hate this!
I feel like the worst mother ever when I have to leave behind a crying little boy. He doesn't understand why I have to go, and he doesn't understand that it isn't forever, that the days of me going to school are quickly coming to an end and then we'll have nothing but Mommy and Danny time. He doesn't understand any of that. It breaks my heart.
The fact that I'm almost 25 and still in college makes me feel even more guilty, I should have finished this a long time ago!
I guess I will just blame my husband/the Marine Corps for stationing him in an area that only had a community college. Ha. He'll love that.
***Dear Danny,
Please don't be mad at Mommy for leaving you with a babysitter. It wont last forever, come May 22nd you will get my undivided attention for the rest of your life :).
he adores you. that is your problem (?) :)