The bully becomes the bullied.
It happens.
At the mall today I was allowing my son to play in one of those play areas (there is one in my local mall that doesn't look filthy and disgusting). Suddenly one particular boy decided that no other kid was allowed on "his lighthouse." It was actually a pretty big scene, the little boy screaming and yelling at my son and another boy about two-years-old. I'm pretty sure the lady in charge of the big bad bully was his Grandmother, and she was full of empty threats. Every time he started yelling at Danny and the other boy the Grandma would tell the bully that they were going to go home, but they never did.
I usually try to let kids work these things out on their own, but when the older boy started screaming at my 1 1/2 year old I had to walk over. Danny was not giving up, and neither was the bully. Poor Danny wanted to bad play on the lighthouse. The bully wouldn't budge, the Grandma was obviously an idiot because she was allowing the kid to scream at younger kids without disciplining him. At the end of it the other mom and I were taking our children out of the play area and away from the big mean bully. Had Danny not been so mean yesterday I would have been really upset about this, but I guess what goes around comes around. Danny is probably too young to learn the lesson. . .
lucky i wasn't there!