There was a bully on the playground this morning. What a mean little kid! He was following the other kids around, crying whenever they got on a slide, swing or anything. He would fuss and pout until their parents told them to give the bully a turn and then he would play for about three seconds then follow the other kids to the next thing and fuss and cry for a turn.
This kid seemed like a total brat!
The worst part about this bully is that he was picking on a kid at least five months younger than him. This poor little kid was barely walking, trying to have fun but this mean bully would just not leave him alone.
As I dragged my screaming, crying, bully of a toddler out of the park after the third time of him trying to knock the younger kid out of the swing I wondered how children learn to behave like this. My child doesn't have any siblings, he doesn't spend a lot of time with other kids his age, so how does he figure out how to be such a meanie?? I have no idea, all I know is that it is a very long walk home from the park when Danny is crying the whole time.
i disbelieve this story.