One of my old friends (and mom to 3, and one on the way) sent me a link to this great Breastfeeding Timeline blog post. It took me two different sittings to finish (I do have a wild two-year-old), but I am so glad I read it thoroughly.
The post has great information about breastfeeding from day one all the way up to late toddlerhood!
Now, I am sure it is hard for anyone out there to believe that I need encouragement when it comes to breastfeeding, but this blog really did give me a lot of information that I didn't know. It was a nice reminder of why I am busting out the old nursing tanks and stocking up on lanolin cream.
Some of the highlights from this post were:
1. Pain that makes breastfeeding intolerable and /or cracked and bleeding nipples are never normal and needs immediate attention from a health professional familiar with breastfeeding management.
**This would have been nice to know when my son was three days old! I will never forget the nurses at the hospital telling me to feed him right when he was born. I asked "how do I do it" to hear the response "you put your boob in his mouth." Thank GOD for midwives is all I have to say. . .
2. By breastfeeding exclusively for 2 months, your child now has a lower risk of food allergy at 3 years old.
**With all the allergies out there these days it is SO nice to know that I can do something to prevent them!
3. Distraction at the breast may continue. Don't be misled into believing
that your baby's temporary lack of interest in breastfeeding is a sign
he is ready to wean. It is extremely rare for a child to self-wean
before one year of age.
**Now, my son DID self-wean at 10 months, I think a lot of it had to do with how busy he always wanted to be. But also, at ten months the dr. had us start introducing the sippy cup. Once my son got a glimpse of the easy life with a cup he never EVER nursed again. His sister will not be getting a cup until well after her 1st birthday.
Please pass THIS LINK on to anyone you know who has or wants to breastfeed. It is a great resource, and very encouraging!
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