Am I the only one who doesn't give a crap about Valentine's Day? I mean, seriously, all around me I see ladies getting all excited and I just don't get it.
Maybe it is the fact that I was homeschooled and never did the class Valentine thing. I do remember though, one year, my dad brought home roses for my mom, sister and I and brought my brothers m&m's. My sister and I wished we had been given the candy (we were pretty young). But for the record, my memory of getting a rose from my dad is so sweet.
It could also be that my anniversary is three weeks before Valentine's Day so it seems kind of a big nothing to me. I wouldn't mind getting flowers, but I don't want a gift, and I don't want to go on a date!
Yes, my husband is the luckiest man on earth. . .
I'm with ya. I'm so not a fan. "Yes honey, let's go out to dinner and celebrate how unique and wonderful our love is with allllll the other couples out doing the exact same thing at the exact same time." And what about if V-day happens to fall on a day where I really just don't liiiike him so much (I mean those days do happen in a marriage/LTR from time to time)...I have to pretend for the sake of the day that I feel all lovey dovey? Haha, sorry for the rant. I guess the whole thing just seems too forced and unnatural to me. Send me flowers any other random day of the year just because and I'll be much much happier.