In case anyone out there is suffering from baby fever like yours truly. . .
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I do not know these babies. | | |
If this is what is going through your head every time you see a cuddly little newborn. . .
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I don't know this baby either. |
And of course, the most precious newborn ever:
Danny 2 days old |
And. . .
Baby Danny |
One more :). . .
Danny 3 weeks old. |
It is seriously time. I always wanted my kids to be closer together, unfortunately life has been getting in the way of that. Danny will most likely be 3-years-older than my next child. Until that child comes along I'll enjoy having all this special time with my Danny Boy, look at his old pictures, and enjoy the new nephew coming into our family this Spring.
he. is. the. darlingest. child on the earth.