Why haven't I learned to ALWAYS follow my instincts by now???
I just got home from a very long day topped off with a last minute trip to the pediatrician. Last night after bath time I noticed that the little bumps I found on Danny's legs on Sunday has spread all over the lower half of his body. In a panic (me panic??), I called my two go-to moms for advice (rush him to the hospital or call the doctor in the morning). They both agreed that I should take him to the doctor today rather than making a completely ridiculous and unnecessary trip to the ER. Well, after a crappy commute to college and an even crappier college experience I picked up my son and headed to his doctors office. We waited like good little patients for over an hour before we finally saw the lovely Nurse Jean (I love her). After a serious of questions about what Danny has eaten/touched/seen in the last week she asked if he's been in any swimming pools. BINGO. I had thought of every possible cause of this nasty rash but the swimming pool. My husband and I took Danny swimming on Saturday and I remember mentioning to my dear hubby that I thought the spa smelled a little off, he disagreed and I ignored it. Fast forward to Danny being seen by the Nurse Practitioner who confirms that the rash came from the pool.
I don't know if this counts a mom fail, but it feels awfully close. I knew something was off about that pool, but I ignored it, against my better judgement. Now my little guy is covered in ugly bumps.
I guess I could just be happy that he doesn't have small pox (one of the scenarios that went through my head last night).
I seriously need to stop second guessing myself!
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